B2B : Consulting 
21 - 40 of 113 entries.
CD Group Enterprise Resource PlanningERP/SCM/BI consulting firm specializing in linking business strategy and process improvement with IT capabilities to drive financial performance.http://www.cdgroup.com
Certified Forensic Polygraph Examiner and Expert Witness - Imbordino Polygraph ExaminationsFormer federal polygraph supervisor (U.S. Department of Justice - retired). Discreet and professional polygraph testing. Georgia based.http://www.ImbordinoPolygraph.com
China Expert Consulting GmbHSpecialized in Consulting, China seminar as well as company formation. Other services are Marketing, Tax consulting, Law consulting, Auditing and investment.http://www.chinaexpert-consulting.com
Cipher Systems - Market Research, Competitive Intelligence, Content Management SolutionsConsulting and technology tools that provide strategic insight into all aspects of your marketplace.http://www.cipher-sys.com
Communique Consultancy - Business, Management & CommunicationsA professional business, management and communications consultancy can assist you to gain direction, maintain focus and develop appropriate business strategies.http://www.communiqueconsultancy.co.nz
Concept Services, Ltd.In a business economy of constant change, trying to do more with less, downsizing, and the need for increased sales and efficiencies, Concept Services has evolved.http://www.conceptservicesltd.com/
Conflict Resolution In The WorkplaceSolving problems between personnel in place of business. Resolving conflicting points of view with workers and management.http://www.drderi.com
Corporate Communications by Collura ConsultingCommunications between employee and executives can be difficult without an expert consulting and training firm for organizational communication and planning skills are effectively taught.http://www.colluraconsulting.com/
Corporate WebloggingDevelops and manages blog marketing and blog content programs for companies.http://corporateweblogging.com/
CQL GroupInvestors in People consultancy for business including training, development and support to increase staff motivation and productivity.http://www.cqlgroup.co.uk
Culture-Strategy FitOrganizational consulting firm conducting culture diagnosis and change projects to help organizations to drive strategy and performance.http://www.culturestrategyfit.com
Draco Associates - Regulatory Affairs & Quality AssuranceDraco offers hands-on regulatory and quality assurance services and consulting for pharmaceuticals, natural health products, and other products.http://www.dracoassociates.com
EAS - Strategic advice on nutritional productsSpecialises in regulation on food and nutritional products. It provide companies with regulatory and strategic advice for the marketing and approval of their products in Europe.http://www.eas.eu
Effective-ConsultingProvides Engineering consulting services. Specializes in offshore & outsourcing research, multimedia knowledge bases building working out of individual Technical trend reports.http://consulting.effectivesoft.com
Enterprise Architecture LtdBased in London provides a range of IS/IT management services throughout the UK.http://www.enterprisearchitects.eu
Environmental Evaluation LtdUK based asbestos surveys and occupational health and safety consultants. Other services include awareness training, noise exposure monitoring and leak testing.http://www.environmentalevaluation.co.uk
FinScoreA Swiss professional services and software company specialized in business intelligence, client Reporting, data quality, CRM and data mining.http://www.finscore.com
Five Sides Industrial LtdUK based consultancy specialising in the supply of vibration control systems for power tools as a vibration eliminator. Other services include health and safety advice.http://www.5-sides.com
Fresh EnergyInformation about costs saving services in Cornwall. Fresh Energy charge only if a positive result is obtained.http://www.fresh-energy.co.uk
Futures Strategy Group LLC - Scenario PlanningA management consulting company dedicated to helping private and government clients develop superior strategies through scenario planning.http://www.futurestrat.com