B2B : Consulting 
1 - 20 of 113 entries.
80/20 Performance, Inc.Provides online assessment tests for sales, customer service, honesty/integrity, team performance, and 360-degree feedback, plus How to Beat the 80/20 Rule in Selling books, e-books, and CDs.http://www.8020performance.com
9000WorldPractical ISO 9000 products and services for real-world problems. Document Kits, Consulting, Training, Software. With focus on workable solutions, successful certification and continuous improvement.http://www.9000world.com
AcquirentThe company is a leader in outsourcing sales for businesses. Their sales training and outsourced training solutions help bring companies to the next level.http://www.acquirent.com/
Adjust Procurement SolutionsBusiness solutions to reduce procurement and supply costs through advice and implementation of eSourcing, eAuctions and spend management.http://www.adjustps.com
Aptuit ConsultingA unique, global drug development and medical device consultancy with first-hand experience and proven track records in managing all phases of drug development.http://www.aptuitconsulting.com/
Aqute IntellingenceThe intelligence that our analysts uncover is routinely used to inform sales strategies, product launches and major corporate initiatives.http://www.aqute.com/
Arcus Renewable Energy Consulting LtdUK based renewable energy consultants specialising in wind farms and wind farm planning.http://www.arcusrenewables.co.uk
ASCON GroupThe company provides integrated services for entering or dealing with China market.http://www.ascon-group.com
Astec Services Limited, UKUK based project management company, providing consultancy services for the engineering, safety and nuclear industries.http://www.astecservices.co.uk
Bali International Consulting Group Indonesia your partner in AsiaBali International Consulting Group is a Bali based Consulting Company, Indonesia Trade and Investment Services, Bali Business Development and Project Management Services and Matching Assistance.http://www.bicg.org
Boston Industrial Consulting - Facility DesignSpecializing in facility and distribution center design increasing lean manufacturing and industrial processes.http://www.bicinc.com
Brand - Consulting Computer trainingOffers information technology classes, network and computer consulting, MCSE training, CCNP, Linux and CCSP certification in Los Angeles.http://www.brandconsulting.us/
Brand Consulting GroupOffers information technology classes, network and computer consulting, MCSE training, CCNP, Linux and CCSP certification in Los Angeles.http://brandconsulting.us
BraveSoftTechOffers BI solutions with specialization in data warehouse design and database administration, legacy system integration, data migration, and custom portal.http://www.bravesoft.com
Bridgehead ConsultingScientific, technical, intellectual property and business consultants to the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, medical devices and diagnostic sectors.http://bridgeheadconsulting.com
Bright Tree Consulting Group, LLCConsultation for personalized executive and team coaching, assessment and consulting services for business leaders and companies to unleash potential, improve performance and prepare for the future.http://brighttreecg.com
British Standards InstitutionBSI is a global provider of Standards, Management systems, Testing, and Training. Working throughout the world in 22 countries.http://www.bsigroup.co.uk
BWMC LtdSpecialises in research and development of organisational performance. They offer knowledge and guidance on concepts such as the Balanced Scorecard system.http://www.ap-institute.com
CAB InternationalImproving people's lives worldwide by providing information and applying scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture and the environment.http://www.cabi.org
Calvin Consulting Group Ltd.An air quality and emissions specialty consulting company. Services include regulatory compliance and emissions reporting, air dispersion modeling and emissions management.http://www.calvinconsulting.ca/