Reference & Education : Scholarly Societies 
1 - 6 of 6 entries.
The Folklore SocietyThe Folklore Society's interests cover all aspects of folklore - traditional music, song, dance and drama, narrative, customs and belief, popular religion and folk medicine.
The Hakluyt SocietyHakluyt Society: scholarly books on voyages of discovery, history of navigation, exploration, nautical travels, maritime history and geographical discovery
The Historic Society of Lancashire and CheshireThe Society exists for educational purposes to promote the study of any aspect of the history of the Palatine counties of Lancashire and Cheshire and successor local authorities.
The Society for the History of DiscoveriesThe Society for the History of Discoveries was formed to stimulate interest in teaching, research, and publishing the history of geographical exploration.
The Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE)A network of people from all parts of the industry coming together to share important issues and technologies.
The Wallace Foundation for Educational ResearchAiming to increase the quality of student education through dedicated research and development of teaching strategies and philosophies.