B2B : Machining 
Machining services.
1 - 20 of 28 entries.
Accu-Turn, Inc.Offer a full-service machine shop equipped with a versatile assortment of CNC machines, aluminum machining equipment and a list of quality suppliers.http://www.accu-turn.net
Agnee GearsAgnee are focused on manufacturing machinery and auto mobile gears, mechanical engineering power transmission gears like worm gear boxes, custom gears.http://www.agneegears.com
Al-Men OyFeatures aluminum extrusion processing such as CNC machining, bending, cutting as well as welding and assembling services.http://www.al-men.fi/yritys/in_english.html
Allbart LtdUK based fabricators of sheet metal enclosures. Other services include CNC punching, laser cutting, folding, forming and custom stainless steel fabrication.http://www.allbart.co.uk
Anodizing Aluminum by Seidel Inc.Seidel provides anodizing aluminum, electropolishing, metal finishing and laser engraving services for a wide variety of markets and capabilities.http://www.seidelinc.com
Cee-Jay Tool CompanyManufacturer of quality stone splitting systems since 1950, designed for continuous operation under harsh conditions whether you work as a field mason or operate a full-scale quarry or stone yard.http://www.ceejaytool.com/
CNC Techniques UKUK based CNC Techniques provides a manufacturing service with machining processes including CNC machining, CNC milling, 3d machining, Anodising, Text Milling, Thread Rolling and CNC Turning.http://www.cnc-techniques.co.uk
Component Sources InternationalProviding precision machining and CNC machining services for precision machined components, including turned and milled products.http://www.compsources.com
Connecticut Coining - Deep Drawing, Metal StampingCost effective solution in deep drawing, metal stamping, and CNC machining mimicking your exact specifications.http://www.ctcoining.com
Currie & Warner GroupTurned parts and machined parts specialists. Global Supplier to customers requiring more complicated brass / copper based turned parts.http://www.curriewarner.com
Cutting Technologies LtdCompany using Laser Cutting Equipment to produce cut parts for all types of industry, from aesthetic through to aerospace.http://www.cut-tec.co.uk
Denny PlasticsUK based company specialising in bespoke Perspex, acrylic and plastic fabrications, using laser cutting and CNC routing techniques.http://www.dennyplastics.co.uk
F.C. Newell and Son LtdPrecision engineers to clients involved in defence, medical, aerospace and general industry.http://www.fcnprecision.co.uk
Franklin Brazing & Metal TreatingBrazing, metal treating and annealing services using a cost-effective pure atmosphere system to deliver quality finish with quick turnaround time.http://www.franklinbrazing.com/
GRUPPO PARPAS Milling MachinesItalian Manufacturer of CNC milling machines featuring state-of-the art technology.http://www.gruppoparpas.com
Philadelphia Carbide Co. Specialists in Tungsten Carbide ProductsManufacturer of precision-ground tungsten carbide, silicon carbide and ceramic parts and products; grinding to .0001", the tightest tolerances in the industry, polishing to 1 RMS.http://www.philacarbide.com
PowermotionUK based company specialising in the precision laser cutting of aluminium, carbon steel and stainless steel components. Complementary services include pressing and CAD drawing conversion.http://www.powermotionlaser.com
Precision Metal Stamping by Hoffstetter Tool & DieExperts in metal stamping technology and who excel in quality control and efficiency.http://www.hoffstettertool.com
Precision Parts MexicoNetwork of companies located in Monterrey, Mexico offering services of machining, cnc, sheet metal with ISO 9000 certified quality.http://www.precisionpartsmexico.com