B2B : Language Translation Services 
21 - 40 of 93 entries.
btsglobal.com.brBTS is a Brazil-based translation agency that offers high quality services at an excelent cost-benefit ratio. The company offers translations from/into Brazilian Portuguese in a wide variety of areas.http://www.btsglobal.com.br
Bubbles Translation Services UKUK based Bubbles Translation Services provide professional language translation services. Translating in any language and covering all subjects including technical, legal, business, software & more.http://www.bubblestrans.com
Bulgarian Translation and Interpreting ServicesWebsite focused on providing English-Bulgarian Translation, Interpreting and Linguistic Validation Services.http://www.nataliyanedkova.com
Cipherion - Multilingual Translation ServicesTranslations service provider in U.K which offers multilingual solutions for all your business translation requirements.http://www.cipherion.com
CNX Translation - Thai / English TranslationTranslation, proofreading, editing, interpreting, audio /video transcription and voice recording services for English and Thai languages. Free online support is available in the web site's forum.http://www.cnx-translation.com
Comtec TranslationsUK based provider of translation, localisation & interpreting services, including business translation, marketing localisation, medical translation and software localization.http://www.comtectranslations.com
Conference Interpreters UKCIUK provide expert interpreters for conferences, seminars, meetings and events.http://www.conferenceinterpreters.co.uk/
Continental Interpreting ServicesProvides conference & simultaneous interpreting services enabling companies to exceed language barriers.http://www.cis-inc.com/interpreting.html
Corporate Translation ServicesCorporate Translation Services is a professional translation service, providing prompt, high quality language translation at surprisingly competitive prices.http://www.corporate-translation-services.com
Dr. Bartenstein - Legal and Economic AdviceServices provided to foreigners in the Dominican Republic and Cuba including legal and economic advice, translations and interpreter services and language courses.http://www.olealsbart.sweet17.de
English Russian TranslatorEnglish Russian translation of personal correspondence.http://www.english-russian-translator.com
English to Spanish Translation Services - EtosNeutral or localized Spanish translations performed by native translators. General matters and technical specialties are translated for websites, software and documents.http://www.etos-services.com
English-Russian Translation Services - Russian Translation.ruHigh quality Russian-English and English-Russian translation of letters, phone calls, documents. Native Russian translators. Low cost and 24 hour turnaround.http://www.russian-translation.ru
Eulenhaupt Translation ServicesLawyer and translator specializing in the translation of legal documents, translating English into Dutch and German, Dutch into German and German into Dutch.http://www.eulenhaupt.com
eVerbum - Professional Translation, Interpreting, Proofreading and Subtitling ServiceseVerbum offers specialized professional translation, interpreting, proofreading and subtitling services. Our modern and rigorously observed translation process guarantees excellent quality in our workhttp://www.everbum.com/
EVS TranslationsFull-service translation company, offering professional translation, localisation and interpreting services and specialising in financial, legal, technical and medical translations.http://www.evs-translations.com
Farsi Translation Services IncOffers website localization services from all languages into Farsi, Dari and Tajik.http://www.farsi-translation-services.com
Felix Gonzalez-GoenagaProviding accurate and customized translating and interpreting services, translation of 100 words or less made within 24 hours. Medical and legal interpreting services offered to the Lansing, MI area.http://www.felixgonzalez-goenaga.com
Fluent Foreign Language Translation ServicesOffers language interpreting and translating services throughout the Charlotte North Carolina area.http://www.fluentls.com
GATIM Language ServicesDelivers full-service high quality translation, interpreting and communication services in Arabic, Dutch & English.http://www.gatim.nl/