Painting : Portraits 
1 - 16 of 16 entries.
MELC Studios Oil Portrait PaintingOur artists paint oil portrait painting from your favourite photographs. Commissions are accepted for adult, child or pet portraits, painted in a true-to-life classic realistic style.
Art by Tolpo BaderFine Art Portraits of people (adults & children) and/or their pet companions: Equine, Canine or Feline in Acrylic or India ink wash and pen from photographs.
Artistry of Marc EliukSpecializing in photo realistic oil portraits. Includes several collections/galleries of works already completed, artistic services offered and new works often posted.
Direct Portrait - Photo to PaintingCan take any photograph and make it the centerpiece of your home or can take several photos can be combined into one work of art.
Edgar PortraitsEdgar Jansen works a in Amsterdam, Holland as a portrait painter (applying watercolor, pastel, pencil and oil paint techniques). He also makes drawings of dancers and musicians.
Faithful Friends PortraitsLifelike portraits in acrylic by UK Artist, Nicky Jones, specialising in detailed paintings of dogs, cats, horses, small pets, wildlife, and people, from photographs.
House Portraits By Rod BlakeRod Blake's personal style and attention to detail make his portraits suitable for any location.
Linden Alley Custom Oil PaintingsCreates 100% hand-made oil paintings based on pictures and instructions provided by customers. Paintings make great personalized gifts and decoration for your own home. Visit the Gallery.
- - Custom Painting from a PhotoChinese gallery providing custom commissioned hand painted portraits from photos and photo services at competitive prices.
Painting4Ever.comTurn photos into beautiful oil paintings with unique photo to oil portrait services creating quality portraits from wedding photos or photos of children, family portraits or any other image.
Paintings by Ralph MacDonaldClassically inspired fine art portraiture by Vashon Island artist Ralph MacDonald.
PandaPix - Portraits from PhotographsCustom oil paintings from photographs including pet, family and wedding portraits, plus landscape paintings in oils, at affordable prices.
Photo to Painting by Portrait PaintingPortrait Painting will turn a photo or picture into a hand painted oil painting. Each portrait artists specialize in couples, pet, wedding, CEO and house portraits.
Portraits and Paintings by Jan ScholtusThe Dutch painter Jan Scholtus makes contemporary expressive portraits and colorful impressions of the reality.
Robert Beckett Portrait ArtistOil, drawn and sculpted portraits from life or photographs. Commissions for children, pets, family groups and bronze busts are specialities.
Schimmel Art - Paintings, Portraiture, & JudaicaPaintings, custom commission, and gorgeous hand-painted portraits by Schimmel in traditional and contemporary styles.