Painting : Contemporary 
1 - 18 of 18 entries.
John Stoa, UK Scottish Artist - Original Paintings Fine & Art PrintsOriginal paintings and fine art prints of landscape, figurative paintings, flower images, snow scenes and romantic art by scottish artist John Stoa.
Africa South Art InitiativeModern and Contemporary African Art by South African Artists. View their online profiles and have your say in the forums.
Art2Art PublicationsFor the promotion of the art work of artist Hamish Grant.
Carollyne Yardley, Canadian ArtistCanadian artist who specializes in contemporary abstract expressionism, fine art in oil, acrylic, mixed media and digital art.
Contemporary Canadian artist - Steve FortierPaintings in a variety of mediums, landscapes, contempory pieces. Abstract designs, a wide variety of handmade cards.
Dreams and MeditationsA collection of contemporary paintings capturing the core of human existence, and is intended to be spiritually, emotionally and psychologically uplifting.
Georges Dumitresco - Doctor Poet ArtistBiography, Insight, Gallery and Poetry of Georges Dumitresco, a Swiss Romanian internationally renowned painter and poet.
Glenda WilsonA collection of art inspired by dreams, revelation, and observations -some from days past some more recently. Powerful, and provoking. Subtle yet impacting, definitely evangelistic.
Jackie StubblefieldArtwork concerning spiritual aspects of life. Unique symbols depicted in literal interpretation.
Leone ArdoPrints, posters, and original paintings including Pike Place Market scenes and downtown Seattle cityscapes.
Martina ShapiroArt gallery of vivid, contemporary expressionist original oil paintings, still life with flowers, landscape, cityscape, figure and the nude by Canadian artist Martina Shapiro.
Monique Jarry's Art GalleryThe site contains the artworks of the contemporary artist Monique Jarry. The artworks are in chronological order and include descriptions and comments for each work.
Poparted contemporary portraitsAffordable personalised pop art style portraits from your favourite photographs. Hand painted or printed on to a box canvas.
Roy North - Fine ArtistOnline gallery of original contemporary artwork for sale in various media by British painter. Exhibition information, contact details and artist's biography.
Terrain Gallery - Aesthetic Realism FoundationFounded in 1955, this SoHo gallery exhibits contemporary and classic art. Its philosophic basis is the Aesthetic Realism understanding of beauty and the Siegel Theory of Opposites.
Truth Illustrations - Artist Alex RadinThe fine art gallery work, spontaneous worship paintings, and illustrations of artist Alex Radin. His paintings are often called prophetic art and can be spiritually interpreted.
You Are ArtCreates personalised pop art for modern and contemporary interior design, specialising in bespoke modern portraits, photos to canvas and original affordable art.