Electrical and Electronics : Communications 
1 - 14 of 14 entries.
Cavotec Micro-controlRemote control equipment for industrial users. Supports many industrial bus systems like Profibus and Canopen. Also cerified to be used in EX zones.http://www.cavotecmc.com/
CB Radios ShopWith CB radios sales and deals on all electrical components related to 2 way radios, antennas, chargers, power supply, and cabling at wholesale CB radio shop.http://www.peanutscbshop.com
Direct EDI, IncElectronic Data Interchange (EDI) services are offered for any size company - large to small - with any technological expertise.http://www.directedi.com
EcutelWith Viatores Mobile VPN and IC2, mobile workers and IT professionals can be more productive, wherever they are and however they connect to the enterprise.http://www.ecutel.com
Garmin and MagellanLeading manufacturer of Garmin and Magellan compatible GPS accessories, including Amplified External GPS Antennas, GPS Carrying Cases, GPS Power & PC Data Cables, and GPS Datacards.http://www.gilsson.com
HARTING Rectangular ConnectorsHarting Technology is a leading manufacturer and supplier of electrical parts and components for applications and markets in the U.S such as broadcast and entertainment and telecommunications.http://www.harting-usa.com
Induction Loop Systems from Vivid Acoustic Systems LimitedProducing a range of audio frequency induction loop systems designed to meet the requirements of a variety of applications. Manufactured in in the UK.http://www.vivid-acoustics.com
National Cellular USANational Cellular USA is a manufacturer of cellular phone accessories.We carry accessories for all cellular phone models.http://www.natcellusa.com
Peryphon Military productionCommunication products design military phones, Lan switch payphones and sip phones.http://peryphon.co.il/
Radio Communications OnlineAn online two way radio shop, selling anything from PMR446 radios to licensed hand portables. Other services offered are two way radio hire, system design and radio repairs.http://www.radiocommunicationsonline.com
Stratign : Strategic Defense TechnologiesCustomized Solutions in the field of strategic electronics for defence communications security, monitoring, surveillance, encryption, signal analysis and COMINT SIGINT requirements.http://www.stratign.com
WaveZero, Inc.A company that develops and manufactures extremely low cost, environmentally friendly EMI, RFI, and ESD shielding, and RFID antennas and inlays.http://www.wavezero.com
Zigbee from IDCA wide range of Zigbee / 802.15.4 low power wireless mesh networking products from Intelligent Distributed controls (IDC), including keypads, keyfobs, touch screens and OEM modules.http://www.zig-bee.co.uk