Substance Abuse : Stopping Smoking 
1 - 7 of 7 entries.
Light-Free Quit Smoking with Smokeless CigarettesLightfree smokeless cigarettes help you to quite smoking once and for all! They have the look, feel, and satisfaction of a real cigarette, but they are made without tobacco, and you do not light it!
Modern Vapor E-Cig CompanyOffers premiere line of smokeless e-cig for electronic smoking. Also offering electronic cig accessories and e-juice selection.
Nicorette ActiveStopTheir range of products Gum, Inhalator, Nicotine patches and Microtabs and a guide to successful quitting will give you the encouragement information and support to help you become a non-smoker.
Quit Smoking AdvisorA Psychologist and Public Health Research Scientist offers information and advice to help you quit smoking. Focus on psychological helps eliminate your desire to smoke and make quitting easier.
Quit Smoking StopContains information about how to quit smoking and gives the support and encouragement that you would need in the process.
Quit4Good - Free Quit Smoking HelpA totally FREE Website for anyone and everyone trying to quit smoking.
Stop Smoking TipsSite offers visitors unique experience of free hypnotherapy sessions for smoking cessation and by providing stop smoking tips and advice on the best ways to quit smoking.