Forums and Communities : General Discussion Forums 
1 - 12 of 12 entries.
BestAnimeYou may talk about life, games, anime and much more.
Chat Daily ForumsThe Chat Daily Forums is for people from all over the world to share their interests and experiences of everyday life with other members.
Connecting FriendsSpeak your mind board, for anyone and everyone.
- Online CommunityAn online community with forums, free email and web directory.
GoMamakThis is the place where you can find romance, dating, fun, love, computers, programming, scripting, networking, useful links, business, lifestyle, health, education, shopping, travel and more.
India Forums General Discussion ForumOne forum to unite Indian tv, movies viewers living in India and abroad, and facilitate free flow of information and sharing of resources.
Nairaland ForumA discussion forum for friendly Nigerians and 'friends of Nigeria'. In practice the site accepts just about anyone who is willing to play by the rules.
Nairaland.netNigerian portal offers discussion board, newsfeeds and live chat for members.
News Uncensored - Worldwide Newfeed gives you access to premium Usenet services and enables you to download and post to all the newsgroups using your favorite Usenet newsreader.
One BiosphereAn alliance of people and organizations who are united to preserve the quality of the global environment through the environmental forum and publications.
- CommunityTalk about anything community, arcade, social networking, blogging, cool site of the day, how-to article of the day & more, all for free.
Stressed at work? - Have a Workrant, You'll Feel Better!Rant away your work related stress about your job, your boss, your colleagues the customers. Get it all off your chest, anonymously, and ease the frustration.