Forums and Communities : Music 
1 - 6 of 6 entries.
BassfreqsForum, news, interviews and events listing for the dubstep / drum and bass dance music community in Sydney Australia.
Metal-R.USInternational community for discussing metal music and everything else that occupies your mind.
Music Shopping, Music Reviews & Forum at MusicShopperDiverse range of music reviews, music discussion and music news, together with a huge directory of hand-picked music sites.
- African music review site aimed at allowing broad access to music. Online Radio, chatroom, forum and latest news.
Progressive Rock Forum - Melo's Prog BazaarA progressive rock discussion board bringing prog bands and fans together. This community is associated with the ProGGnosis database.
WeirdEars Indie/Alternative Music Chat ForumChat forum for fans of indie/alternative music. Featuring online radio, reviews, shopping and fashion sections.