Web Directories : Reference & Education 
21 - 40 of 46 entries.
Lango Travels - Language SchoolsA language school directory where people can search and find a language school just for their needs.http://www.langotravels.com
Map and Globe StorePublisher of wall maps, educational globes, and world atlases. Also available are political maps and road maps.http://www.mgstore.com/
Motion Control ResourceAn online resource that provides a comprehensive motion control product directory.http://www.motioncontrolresource.com
Online College Degrees by DirectoryofEducation.orgDirectory of Education has a list of the finest schools and colleges offering online degrees in areas including Business, Management, Education, Marketing, Nursing, Paralegal, Design and more.http://www.directoryofeducation.org/
Online Master's Degrees DirectorySearch for an online master's program in business, criminal justice, education, health care or technology.http://www.onlinemasterdegree.com
Patent GeniusFull text on more than 3.5 million US patents available by inventor, patent holder, patent date, patent number or class.http://www.patentgenius.com/
Point ArticlesAn article archive and categorized directory of articles from many publishers on variety of topics. Also offers free content newsfeeds for website and ezines.http://www.point-articles.com
Private Schools in TorontoA listing of private schools in Canada: Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, and Montreal.http://www.topprivateschools.ca
ScholarshipSearchCentralCategorised directory of scholarship information.http://www.scholarshipsearchcentral.com
Science Lobby.com - Science ProjectsScience Lobby is a useful collection of Electronic Circuits, Schematics and Electronic Tutorials to find quick solution for electronic design problems.http://www.sciencelobby.com
Search 4 a Career CollegesFind the right school. Make your career dreams come true.http://www.search4careercolleges.com
Teaching Degrees and Continuing Teacher EducationHelps you find a teacher education school to address your educational and career needs.http://www.teacherdegrees.com
TechInstruction Technical SchoolsA website focused on the professional and instructional development of students across the country. Search hundreds of technical schools, programs and articles.http://www.techinstruction.com
Technical Schools and Computer Training DirectoryHelps you find a technical, computer training, or certification school to address your educational and career needs.http://www.techtrainingdirectory.com
The Cosmic LinkOffers hundreds of links about space, astronomy, telescopes, and astrophysics. As well as black holes, galaxies, Radio Astronomy, the sun and planets.http://www.thecosmiclink.com
To-Do-MBAMBA directory that contains more than 3,200 Masters in Business Administration programs from Universites and Business Schools all around the world.http://www.to-do-mba.com
U101 College Search: Links to LearningU101 College Search lists nearly 4000 colleges, universities and community college websites in Canada and the United States.http://u101.com/
UniXL Career Planning InformationProvides Education and Career information for students in a variety of areas including psychology, finance, and medicine. Also provides listings speaking universities sorted by country.http://www.unixl.com/dir/
US City and County DataDemographic and business information profile of each city, county and state in the United States.http://www.uscitycounty.com
USA Bartending School - 50 Quality USA Bartending Schools50 state-licensed bartending schools in the USA offering day evening and weekend bartending classes. Job placement assistance provided.http://www.usabartendingschool.com