Web Directories : Shopping Guides & Directories 
41 - 59 of 59 entries.
Store Zone - UK Shopping DirectoryCategorised directory of UK online shopping sites, allowing users to leave feedback on listed stores.http://storezone.co.uk
Sussex County New Jersey Business, Shopping, Community Events DirectoryAround The Area is a Sussex County, New Jersey business, shopping and events directory. Listings of local businesses, organizations, community calendar and public services.http://www.aroundthearea.com/
The Canadian Personal Chef Alliance - Personal Chefs DirectoryA Personal Chefs Directory in Canada and the world.http://www.chefsearch.ca
The Shoppes at English Village Shopping Center of North Wales, PennsylvaniaThe Shoppes at English Village is a retail shopping center located in North Wales, Pennsylvania featuring upscale restaurants, shops and services.http://www.theshoppesatenglishvillage.com/
The Shoppes at Susquehanna Marketplace of Harrisburg, PennsylvaniaThe Shoppes at Susquehanna Marketplace is a retail shopping center located in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania featuring upscale restaurants, shops and services.http://www.theshoppesatsusquehannamarketplace.com/
The Shoppes at Union Hill Shopping Center of Denville, New JerseyThe Shoppes at Union Hill is a retail shopping center located in Denville, New Jersey featuring upscale restaurants, shops and services.http://www.theshoppesatunionhill.com/
The Super GuideToronto shopping directory featuring maps and listings of over 20,000 brick and mortar stores, retail flyers, deals and sales.http://www.thesuperguide.com
Toy Shop UKDirectory of UK-based traditional and online toy shops, categorised by toy genre and geographical location.http://www.toyshopuk.co.uk
Truste-Marketing.co.uk Search SitesThe TrustE-Marketing.co.uk web site provides independent reviews of products and service of popular/useful company web sites given by the public.http://www.truste-marketing.co.uk
UK Shopping GuideThe directory for online shops, services and home shopping in the UK.http://www.uk-shopping-guide.com/
UK Wines Online: Wine & Drink Retailer DirectoryOver 400 websites and 5000 wines listed and reviewed - what to buy and where to buy it. The most comprehensive list in the UK, updated daily.http://www.ukwinesonline.co.uk
UKretailpark - UK Shopping & Retail DirectoryA comprehensive directory of local specialist shops to nationwide stores anywhere within England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.http://www.ukretailpark.com
Upiko - Home Shopping DirectoryDirectory of rated and reviewed sites selling online in the UK.http://www.upiko.co.uk
Wedding KeepsakesOnline wedding services and shop directory covering Northwest England. Including information on suppliers of bridal wear, accessories and transport.http://www.weddingkeepsakes.co.uk
Wellness FindsThis site is one of the largest online directories, online shopping malls plus booking service for Spas and Wellness establishments in South Africa.http://www.wellnessfinds.co.za
Women-LinksThe comprehensive directory of links to articles on all topics relevant to women. Get information on fashion, relationships, diet, fitness, women's health, jewelry, cooking and more.http://www.women-links.com
World's Most Interesting Advertising PagesThis site presents items reputed to be the best, rarest, oddest or most legendary of their kind. You'll find ultra-rare coffees & teas, world's lightest solid, earth-friendly luxury foods, etc.http://www.curiousnotions.com
Youth Soccer Equipment and...MoreAssistance and advise on how to select a proper soccer equipment. Recommendations and tips for youth soccer players, their parents and novice soccer coaches.http://www.my-youth-soccer-guide.com